Video Thoughts? & A CUTE GIF!

Happy Friday friends! I hope your week has been awesome.

I’ve spent my week playing around on the computer and brainstorming, so I thought I’d share my thoughts… because isn’t that what a blog is for?

My thoughts are honestly filled with questions at the moment, so here they go:

  1. Videos? Should I post videos on YouTube? I’m not that exciting day-to-day but I like to say I can be fun-ish, but let’s be honest, I get overwhelmed when I have too many ideas and thoughts… and when I get overwhelmed, my ADD kicks in and I don’t follow through with things… squirrel. Squirrel moments constantly… so what I mean is that I probably wouldn’t be one to post 3x per week! (Unless you want lots of videos of Food Network, Xbox, and golden retrievers….oooh maybe I can be a Halo streamer… squirrel. Told you.)
  2. If I did post videos, what would you like to see? I honestly would love your thoughts. I would love to do random videos like DIY’s, digital tutorials, maybe some vlogging, etc.
  3. Why am I thinking about videos? Well, honestly, I feel like videos are fun to watch and I’m a visual person. So I guess if I were to post, it would be here and there but I think it could be fun! 
  4. What are your overall thoughts? Yay, nay, or do whatevz?

Also, I’ve been brainstorming new shirt ideas and where I want Shop Callie Danielle to venture next! I love your feedback and what you would like to see more of, not see, etc.

I guess this post is clearly me just asking you guys what you want to see from me! What do you enjoy in life right now? What are things you want to see go away? 

TBH, this post proves that my mind is all over the place at the moment! HA! If you made it this far to reading this post, then you rock. But you already rocked, so you rock even more. 

Okay, I’m done.

XOXO, Callie

(oh wait, here’s a fun little GIF I created for Twirl Cotton Candy! BEST COTTON CANDY EVER!!!!)