New Year & Angel Fire

HAPPY NEW YEAR and welcome to the NEW blog! My goal for this year is to blog more, create more, be more organized, procrastinate less, continue to help others, and continue to love more (and obviously trust God along the way)! What are your goals or resolutions? 

We recently got back from Angel Fire, New Mexico and had a blast! I wanted to share some photos below from our trip! 

We drove up to Amarillo and stayed the night. Little did we know, there was a HUGE ice storm that was going to hit overnight. If you know me, you’ll know that my dream job is a meteorologist. Well, the weather report was slightly off when I constantly checked my app. What was supposed to be a light sleet turned into a 4 hour additional trip to Angel Fire through an ice storm with closed roads and terrible traffic. Well, 8 hours later… we arrived! 

Our first day there was super cold but the snow was PERFECT for skiing! The winter storm that we drove through had already hit Angel Fire which made for a fab day on the slopes. We all skied the first day besides Jake and Gabbie, they snowboarded. Also, side note: the house we stayed in was super cozy and only a 5 minute drive to the resort.

Our second day was slightly warmer due to the sun which made for another great day! This day we wore jerseys for the fun of it, but it was actually convenient because we were easy to find. Luckily, Jake lent me his jersey (super controversial supposedly, which I found out afterwards lol) so I didn’t have FOMO. This was probably my favorite day because I found a fav blue run.

Third and final day of skiing: sunny with a side of getting icy. This was our last day in Angel Fire. We were going to stay another day to explore and relax, but we decided to pack up because another storm would be hitting and we didn’t want to risk it! It worked out perfectly though because we were all pretty exhausted after today. Skiing attire today consisted of my mom’s crab sweatshirt. I FaceTimed her and showed her what I was wearing. She said, “Oh my gosh, I wore that when I was 9 months pregnant with you.” lolz. Gabbie went down a slope with me after teaching herself how to snowboard. The boys ventured off with their GoPro’s on the backside of the mountain. The backside was legit, but tougher than the front side! After skiing, we went sledding and enjoyed our last night at the house.

Overall, the trip was SO much fun! I’m already wishing to be back. 

My recommendations for any first time Angel Fire (or any ski resort) visitors or skiers: drink lots of water, have pepto and/or advil on hand, know that the altitude will be an adjustment, brings layers of clothing, take pictures, have fun!

Have you ever been to Angel Fire? What do you love most about skiing? Any advice, questions, or comments? Please share!

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