April Ain’t Foolin’ Me

Hey, hey, hey! New month, new… GOALS! I wanted to hop on here real quick to write down my goals. Honestly, I have A LOT I could be blogging about (I have some super cute looks from my trip that I can’t wait to share), but I will make this post pretty much to the point of laying out my ideas.

I recently got back from a conference in Palm Springs, California called the Alt Summit. I was SO looking forward to it and am thankful to have had the opportunity to attend. I really enjoyed the views of Palm Springs, but I left the conference with not all of the answers I was hoping to receive. I guess I didn’t really write down specific questions because I went in with an open mind (and considering I am so new at what I do).

I can honestly say I left with some inspiration and some knowledge such as “write down your thoughts. Even if they don’t quite make sense. It’s a great way to get things out of your head and for you to look back on later and think: was that as good as an idea as I thought? Or, yep. Glad I wrote that down!” So, with that being said, I am going to write down my thoughts, goals, and questions that I need to get out of my head… and HEY! Who knows? Maybe someone can answer a question I have!

– I want to artistically work with larger companies (considering I have been reached out to by a big business, but had no idea how to respond), so I attended a licensing class. Gained some awesome info, but I was left wondering what a license agreement actually looks like! Like a visual or an example of one! Also, an email or example of how to respond to companies that want to work with me.

– I want to figure out how much I should be charging for my work. I created my portfolio (I kept hearing that word but never saw an example of one at the conference either, so… Google to the rescue!) to send to people/companies, but how does pricing work?

-I’m seeking advice from people who have once been in my shoes of just starting off in the illustration world. As much as I loved hearing the success from others at the conference, I was truly hoping for some sort of guidance. 

I get things are trial and error, but I would honestly love a mentor. I want to reach out to people that inspire me without them thinking I am going to copy them! I’m a firm believer in supporting others. My purpose in life is to help others and love like He does, but sometimes I need that helping hand too, and quite frankly… over the past year, I’ve been given the short-end of the stick. 

With that being said, it doesn’t mean I am going to stop living out my purpose, but I am sitting here typing my thoughts out on a blog post… obviously, for me to read later and to let my mind feel less stressed. But also, it’s a big step for me to voice my opinion in such a way to ask for help. I definitely enjoyed meeting others at the conference and it was something that I know God led me to attend, but I am so confused on where to go next (and I mean the word ‘next’ very vaguely). 

If you made it to this point, thanks for listening (or reading). In all honesty, I could use some prayers. I am understanding my worth, but still doubt my work/ability in a lot of aspects of my life. I am starting to see my confidence again in Him, but I still question so much. I know He is leading me to something great, but I just pray I can continue to appreciate the moments until then and continue to live out my God-given purpose without feeling so shattered at times.

XOXO, Callie


P.S. Not going to lie, that felt good to write out. Thanks to whoever invented “blogging.”

4 thoughts on “April Ain’t Foolin’ Me”

  1. Love the vulnerability, Callie. I too walked away with many of the same feelings and had to give myself some tough love and a look from a different perspective. 2019 has brought a bit of doubt and in all honesty disappointment with investments of time and money. I realize I need to slow down. You brought up a great point about not writing down the questions you sought answers for. Without knowing our end results it makes it difficult to pursue the right path or pray for the next steps to take. A deep conversation over coffee that is mutually beneficial to both parties can be just as powerful and productive (if not more )than investing the time needed for travel, tickets, and time away from home. In the end, I think we need more trust in our own ability to learn through trial and error alongside others who have the same desire and dedication to their work. Mentors are great and much needed. However, from what I’ve witnessed the best mentors come to those who put in the most intentional and strategic work on their own first. You’ve accomplished so much already, and as you continue to work, you’ll start to come up with the right questions that lead you on a quest with your gifts and have you prepared to work with the right mentor when the time is right.

    • LaShanta, thank you so much for your response! I always value your input on things and honestly, I look at you as a mentor in a way! To me, you’re like a great life/business coach and it’s humbling to know that I’m not alone in the aspect of feeling this way! I definitely want to meet up and have a deep conversation with you. I appreciate your words and I love how you challenge me in a way that pushes me to feeling and being more successful!

  2. I know this is not necessarily a comment you are looking for but I couldn’t be more proud of the person you have become and still becoming. Your determination is real Callie and it inspires me to find my dream (whatever it may be at this point in my life)! You keep digging and showing your sparkle! xoxo Mom

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